Option Name Requires Default Description


debug boolean 0 turn on debugging in the console or not
colSelectEnabled boolean true Make columns selectable for use with API
editableRegionEnabled boolean true Turn on facility to add editable regions
autoEdit boolean true Take existing column markup and wrap in default editable regions if none exist
remoteURL string /replace-with-your-url URL to POST to on save: NB, now posts as key value pair, so should now post as 'content'
cssInclude string //maxcdn...snip...font-awesome.min.css URL to external CSS file to load (i.e font awesome)
filterCallback function null Filter callback. see gm.runFilter(): Callback receives two params: the template grid element and whether is called from the init or deinit method
canvasId string gm-canvas The ID of the main internal canvas as generated by Gridmanager
controlId string gm-controls The ID of the main control bar as generated by Gridmanager
controlMove string gm-move Move handle class
controlNestedEditable string gm-controls-element Editable element toolbar class
controlButtons array [[12], [6,6]..snip..] Array of button widths, i.e [[12],[6-6]] which are then autogenerated in the top control bar
customControls object { global_row: [], global_col: [] } Array of objects for custom controls: see examples
controlButtonClass string btn btn-xs btn-primary Default control bar button class
controlButtonSpanClass string fa fa-plus-circle Default control bar button icon class
controlAppend string See source code for default bootstrap markup Control bar markup for main controls
controlContentElem string See source code for default bootstrap markup Controls for content elements
gmEditClass string gm-editing Standard Edit Calss, Applied to active elements
gmEditClassSelected string gm-editing-selected Applied to the currently selected element
gmEditRegion string gm-editable-region Editable Region Class, i.e what RTEs get attached to
gmContentRegion string gm-content Editable container class
gmToolClass string gm-tools Tool bar class which are inserted dynamically
gmClearClass string clearfix Clearing class to fix floats, used on most toolbars
gmFloatLeft string pull-left Generic Float Left
gmFloatRight string pull-right Generic Float Right
gmBtnGroup string btn-group Generic Button Group Class
gmDangerClass string btn-danger Generic Class to indicate active button
addResponsiveClasses boolean true Adds any missing classes in columns for muti-device support
layoutDefaultMode string auto Default layout mode loaded after init
currentClassMode string Current layout column mode


rowClass string row Generic row class. change to row-fluid for fluid width in Bootstrap
rowSelector string div.row Used to find rows, change to div.row-fluid for fluid width
rowSortingClass string bg-warning class of background element when sorting rows
rowButtonsPrepend object Buttons at the top of each row - pass in standard button objects (see below)
rowButtonsAppend object Buttons at the bottom of each row
rowCustomClasses array add your own to make them available in the row settings, i.e ['one', 'two']


colClass string column Column Class: this gets automatically added to identified columns
contentDraggableClass string gm-content-draggable Class to allow content to be draggable
addDefaultColumnClass boolean true Adds colClass to columns if missing: addResponsiveClasses must be true for this to activate
colDesktopClass string col-md- Generic desktop size layout class
colTabletClass string col-sm- Generic tablet size layout class
colPhoneClass string col-xs- Generic phone size layout class
colDesktopSelector string div[class*=col-md-] Wild card column desktop selector
colTabletSelector string div[class*=col-sm-] Wildcard column tablet selector
colPhoneSelector string div[class*=col-xs-] Wildcard column phone selector
classRenameSuffix string -clsstmp String used to temporarily rename column classes not in use
colAdditionalClass string Additional column class to add: now possibly obselete as colClass gets autoadded
colButtonsPrepend object Buttons at the top of each col
colButtonsAppend object Buttons at the bottom of each col
colCustomClasses array ['example-col-class','test-class'] Custom column classes - add your own to make them available in the col settings, i.e ['one', 'two']
colMax integer 12 Maximum column span value: if you've got a 24 column grid via customised bootstrap, you could set this to 24.
colResizeStep integer 1 Column resizing +- value: this is also the colMin value, as columns won't be able to go smaller than this number (otherwise you hit zero and all hell breaks loose)

Rich Text Editors

tinymce object {} Custom TinyMCE Configuration
tinymce.config object {} Custom TinyMCE Configuration config struct (see tinyMCE documentation)
ckeditor object {} Custom CKEditor Configuration
ckeditor.customConfig string Path to ckeditor external custom configuration file: note, relative path is relative to your ckeditor.js file, not the page;

Button Objects

Passed into row and column areas

  rowButtonsAppend: [ 
                 title:"Remove row", 
                 element: "a", 
                 btnClass: "pull-right gm-removeRow",
                 iconClass: "fa fa-trash-o"
title string Title for button
element string Element to generate, i.e a
btnClass string Class for the button
iconClass string Class for the button icon

Custom Control Objects

Passed into custom controls global_row and global_col.

customControls: {
            global_row: [{ callback: 'test_callback', loc: 'bottom' }],
            global_col: [{ callback: 'test_callback', loc: 'top' }]
callback string Name of custom callback function (required)
loc string Location of custom callback function button: options are top or bottom
iconClass string css class of icon for custom callback function button, i.e fa fa-myicon
btnClass string css class of button for custom callback function button